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Chip (TN)'s Web Page

Chinese Crested-Hairless  : :  Male  : :  Adult  : :  Small

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About Chip (TN)

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Gray
  • Current Size: 12 Pounds
  • Potential Size: 12 Pounds
  • Current Age: 12 Years 11 Months (best estimate)
  • Grooming Needs: Low
  • Shedding Amount: None
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly

Hi I’m Chip, or as my foster mom likes to call me “Chiparoni.” I’ll answer to a lot of things as I’m pretty laid back and flexible. I love other dogs and kids; and cats are pretty ok too! But the #1 thing that I love are blankies. I can’t get through the day without blankets to make a nest in. Mom says people need coffee in the morning like I need blankies. I'm still learning about things like dog beds, toys and walking on a leash. My temporary family laughs at me because I get under dog beds instead of on top. Why not? They are like round, fuzzy blankets, right?! I’ve made a lot of progress though wearing a harness when I go out and I’m a sweet boy getting baths now. I was rudely told I smelled bad when I first arrived. I am working on being house trained. No one had ever taught me that before. I like going outside (unless it is raining!) and potty quickly. I had no idea that inside potties was bad. Who knew?! My mom hasn’t figured out my tell for when I need to go so she just takes me out on a schedule until she learns. I’m being patient with her while she’s learning.
Oh in case you are interested, I’m 12lbs of love, love, love and the doctor says I’m around 10 years old based on my teeth. My mom thinks that I’m a little younger though bc my teeth are good for a crestie and the vet doesn’t see a lot of dogs like me, so I'm more likely 8 or 9. Did I mention that I like to sing and dance when I get excited? Yep, I’m good at it too. Due to my small size, a home without small children is required just for my safety.
My doctor suspects that I have pancreatitis. But mom took me off of kibble and is feeding me really good food and I have had ZERO signs of any problems. Doc is impressed with me and wants to test my super blood again in a few months as he suspects everything will have improved. Mom says good food fixes a lot of things. I also have a mast cell tumor on my leg. The specialist said that nothing needs to be done for it and I can live happily with it for around 70 months with no treatment. 6 years!  I'm good with that.
And one more thing… I can bark like a pirate now. I just had surgery to remove an eye that wasn’t working and I’m so much better now! I should have done that a long time ago. My “good” eye has some trauma scarring and a cataract behind that. I went to a specialist who told everyone that I’m in no pain at all even in sun. The scarring gives me a pretty blue eye that I see the world through. I don’t mind my blue lens. It does make it hard for me to see things sometime though. Mom says I can’t be trusted on steps by myself because I try to walk off the edge. I’m just exploring but do fall sometimes so she carries me on steps. And I would really like a small, gentle doggie friend in my new home. One who isn’t too young and who is laid back like me. Because I don’t see too well, I can get into others' personal space and not even know they are there. I get scared if someone is suddenly biting me because I accidentally jumped on them or walked into them. Since I’m a lover and not a fighter, I just turn and go the other way if that happens. Don’t let my eye fool you though; I’m pretty independent and can get around my home really well. Nothing stops me! 
P.S. I’d love someone who is home with me a lot. I'd love to make a nest and hang out with you all day. And hope you don’t mind messy beds because I like to get under the covers…gotta make those nests, you know.
(Chip is being fostered in TN)

More about Chip (TN)

Good with Cats, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults, Needs special care, Affectionate, Even-tempered, Gentle

Other Pictures of Chip (TN) (click to see larger version):

Chip (TN) Chip (TN) Chip (TN) Chip (TN)