PO Box 7193
Gilford, NH 03247 © 2025 BPR |
Introducing Grace Ivy or as we like to call her Gracie May! We believe this little girl to be around 13 years old, but she does not act like a senior citizen. She is a petite little girl at about 8 lbs. Grace’s previous life wasn’t very good, but she is blossoming in foster care. Grace was seen by a vet shortly after coming into rescue and the vet determined that he could find no reason why she was not thriving except that the former owners did not take care of her. Since then, with a good and reliable source of food, she has put on much needed weight. She gets so excited when it is time for dinner that she will play bow or every once in awhile I have seen a pirouette from her – she LOVES mealtime! Grace is just starting to come to me and will put her paws up on my knee to be put on my lap and after being scratched a few times, she wants down and will go and curl up in her snuggle bed. Grace loves to explore the yard sniffing everything in her path and is an expert at finding a sunbeam where she can fall asleep. She sleeps with in bed with us and barely ever makes a peep until morning and then likes to crawl up for kisses and pets. Grace is almost completely housebroken and knows that when she goes out with the other dogs that she is supposed to be going potty. If she has had an accident she will go to the potty pad. Grace appears to have the normal decrease in hearing and vision that come with senior dogs, but it does not keep her from doing anything. Because she is a senior dog, we are careful that she is not allowed to jump from the bed or sofa or any other high place. More about Grace (PA)Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only Other Pictures of Grace (PA) (click to see larger version):